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Blake Twin Bed

Wesley Allen
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The honesty of the Blake twin bed brings a touch of simple class to the bedroom. Simple, straight lines and a subtle four-poster style finished with rounded finials keep things visually appealing. Contrasting ornamentation at each iron joint adds subtle, unexpected interest. This iron bed embodies simple, adaptable, and engaging twin bed design.

Bed Details

  • The Wesley Allen Millennium Frame is included in your price.
  • Side rails (CB-MPF beds) are decorative, 5" tall and painted to match the headboard finish
  • Standard side rails (CB) are available upon request should you not wish to have the 5" decorative side rails (twin size beds only)
  • Headboard Only (HO-F) includes a matte black underbed frame.
  • Complete Bed is for use with a mattress and foundation (box spring).
  • Sleeper Bed is for use with either a mattress only (high setting) or mattress and foundation (low setting).
  • Trundle beds are twin/single size only, and stow neatly beneath any twin/single or double/full Sleeper Bed. Not compatible with standard Complete Bed, and not compatible with a foundation (box spring).
  • Handcrafted in Los Angeles, USA

Bed Dimensions

Headboard Height: 51" (131 cm)
Headboard Height: 36" (91 cm)
Frame Height: 8 ½" with 8 ⅜" space under bed
Sleeper Bed Height: 16" (to accommodate high-riser trundle)

Sleeper Bed Detail

Wesley Allen sleeper beds are designed to be used with a mattress only at the higher attachment point or with a mattress and box spring at the lowest attachment points. The slats included with a sleeper bed are designed for use with children or lighter sleepers. If you intend to have an adult on a sleeper bed we would recommend upgrading the included slats to something more appropriate for heavier sleepers.

For full time adult use we recommend the standard Complete Bed (requires a box spring), which includes the patented Millennium Frame for the strongest metal bed support available today.

Trundle Bed Details

High riser trundle beds "pop-up" to sit at the same height as the twin bed. Low riser trundle beds are low profile and allow for a thicker mattress on the trundle, or a fully dressed spare bed. Both trundle types accommodate a twin sized mattress and are intended as a separate bed for occasional use.


The Mattress & Sleep Co. is family owned and operated, with stores in Calgary, Edmonton and Sherwood Park, Alberta.

We're known for high-quality luxury home goods from leading brands including Abyss & Habidecor, Berkeley Ergonomics, Harrison Spinks, St Geneve, TEAM 7 and more.

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